My child for this week is named, Bitner. In Bitner's post, he talked about going to his Nana's house. He had a short video about what he did over the weekend at his Nana's. He said that he slept in the big chair, and it was really fun. He also drew a picture on Kid Pix (This looks similar to the paint program) of him at his Nana's. Bitner is now learning to write sentences independently and correctly in New Zealand.
The next child I was assigned, is named John. He is a year 5 student from New Zealand. In his blog post called, "Mapping", he posted a map with an assignment on the side. It would ask him to state the location of a symbol, or to draw a symbol in a certain location. I understood what it was right away. It's awesome to see children do things the same, all the way around the world.
My new child is Shanika. In her latest blog post, she created a table. This table has different math facts in it. I do not understand all of it, to be honest. I'd love to know more about it and maybe I could use it with my future students. It includes, "Groups within 100 Doubles and Halves", "2, 5 and 10 Division Facts", "How many 10s, 100s, 1000s in these numbers", "3x, 4x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x Tables", "Decimal and Fraction Sequence (carry on the sequence", and "Ordering numbers
(Use symbols to put fractions/numbers in order smallest to largest)".
It is cool see the different levels of what students use technology for in the classroom, and that still the skills they learn in lowers grades helps them further in their education. While it seems like nothing much, just creating videos and posting them at a young age will help a student be able to do it like second nature.